
Laughter Is a Good Natural Stress Reliever

By Hub Author: Mari Sue

Laughter is a natural stress reliever, and we all need more of that! Stress stops us from enjoying the healthy benefits of small laughter. You’ve seen those jolly people that seem to laugh every few moments. It’s good for you! Even though deep laughter releases the most endorphins, the small frequent giggles and laughs give relief all during the day. Read this and relax by laughing; aim for several times a day. I know it seems silly to “make” yourself laugh, but in the beginning, you’ll have to put forth the effort. We get out of the habit and then have to learn again! Breathe, relax, and let the giggles begin! I bet you’ll feel better.

Finding the Funny
Finding the funny in life is easier than we think. We’re just out of the habit. Life is and I think meant to be way more funny than we allow it to be; laughter is natural. Just watch a puppy, watch a baby, watch a toddler, watch yourself! Throughout the day, there are plenty of humorous moments that we tend to ignore. We get so caught up in being serious that we miss opportunities to relax with laughter.

Laughter is Healing
Laughter is healing and is a natural stress reliever. Stop and think. When was the last time you really laughed out loud? While uncontrollable laughter in a moment can be very healing, so can many smaller bursts of laughing, chuckling and giggling. What makes you laugh? Once we’re out of the habit, seeing the funny is harder and takes practice. Bring it back! You’ll feel so much more relaxed. Thinking positive and chuckling throughout the day will lighten your load and even make those around you laugh. It’s contagious!

Have you ever stood by someone who’s laughing, and found yourself beginning to laugh as well, even though you have no clue as to what was funny? This strange physical response is common, like yawning. Watch someone yawn and then try not to. Your mouth will start the motion sometimes by just thinking of the yawn.

Sure, there are times when it is considered inappropriate to laugh, (like during prayer at Church) but if we’re honest, we’ll admit that we’ve all had those strange moments of wanting to laugh at the time when we think we shouldn’t.

Don’t you think that in today’s world we could use a little laughter to lighten an overly-serious situation? When nerves and sadness bring about laughter, we often feel guilty. Yet, giving into these inclinations can relieve our knotted muscles, our frowning faces, and aching hearts.

Laughter is Medicine
Laughter is the BEST medicine. Get rid of all that excess baggage! Are you overloaded with feelings of stress and strife, grief, resentment? Just let it go. Laugh until you cry. It may cause a disturbance, but isn’t ignoring what’s happening around us the same kind of thing that gets us into trouble back in the Real World? We ignore the funny and take on the horrible. Why? Why do we get so caught up in what’s bad, and fear the laughter and good feelings? Are we afraid of being happy? Maybe.

We go about our lives, obsessing, worrying, fretting, crying, being angry, wishing things were better, and moving mindlessly towards more and more stress. See life as experience. What are we here for? To gain material goods and lose the minutes of our lives? Are we losing joy by failing to notice the wonder, joy, beauty and silliness of that which is all around us?

Open your eyes to the silliness around you, and laugh out loud. It’s ok. It’s good for your heart in every way.

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