Tutoring students of all ages has allowed me to get inside of minds that once believed that they couldn’t do what it takes to achieve. Once students work with my staff and I, the words “I can’t” turns into, “I can”. Our services have been proven to work because we get RESULTS! We are able to get results because we believe in one-on-one tutoring sessions with students and we use a variety of material to meet the needs of the student. One-on-one sessions prevents embarrassment and helps to build self esteem and confidence. Confidence allows the student to speak freely and truly get the individualized learning and attention that is sometimes difficult to obtain in the regular classroom setting. The confidence that students gain from our services allows them to be encouraged to do their best!
Tutoring services are available to all ages which include children, adults and senior citizens. Tutors are highly qualified and are certified teachers. We specialize in Reading, Writing, Math, Ohio State Tests, SAT, ACT, scholarship writing and proper ways to fill out scholarship applications. Before a student begins working with us, we will assess and evaluate to ensure that we meet the student’s educational needs and the skill gap. Once assessment is complete, results are immediately provided so that we may create an individualized plan to build deficient skills.
How will you know what your child is doing in our tutoring program?
Progress reports are sent home every two weeks and the tutor takes notes of all things observed during session. A parent meeting is also scheduled after four to six weeks of the student being in the program. This is to keep strong communication of how well student is doing and to keep everyone abreast of the progress.
Will you get to see your child’s work?
Yes. We provide portfolios to students. The portfolio is a compilation of all the work the student has done in the program. The work that is done will be graded and reviewed by the tutor. When the child completes the program, the portfolio is yours to take.
Do our program work on homework assignments?
Yes but we believe in focusing on the skills that the student is struggling in so that we can build the capacity to do more in the classroom. In addition, we attempt to work with the teacher to ensure that there is not any confusion on how the teacher taught the skill versus the way we teach the skill.
How long does a child need to be in tutoring?
It depends on the student and the level of assistance needed. I recommend at least eight weeks. This gives the student time to build confidence within self and the subject matter.
How much do I charge?
Free consultations are provided. Fee is based upon number of days and hours tutoring takes place.
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